Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I am feeling a little frustrated. Well more than a little. Let me start by saying, I realize I have a good job with good pay, good hours and usually descent coworkers.  But today wasn't great, at all.  While sleeping soundly knowing that it was my day off, I woke up to a text from my boss asking me if I knew I worked today.  Slightly angry that I had been scheduled to work on my one day off, and even though I had a million errands to run and things to do, I went in to work.
Once I got to work I was informed my shift tomorrow will be two hours longer and my coworkers shift will be cut by two hours. It still doesn't make sense to me.
Then a coworker, realizing that I was frustrated, told me if someone were to get sent home early, they would let it be me.  Less than an hour later, that same coworker left for home.   The more I think about it, the more angry I get.

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