Monday, November 7, 2011


Tasha has friends??   Yes. I. do.

I have THE BEST friends in the world. Although I don't see them everyday like I used to back in my soccer days, they mean so much to me. They have always been there for me and they have never let me down. They make me laugh like no one else can. Christmas is coming up so I will get to see most of them, and I seriously can't wait. (Most of them are kicking ass playing college soccer)

Here's just a few pictures of our many adventures:

Gangsters on the Vegas strip

Wearing our Christmas sweaters to the airport

The donut room!!

We went camping and had a MJ tribute

Partying it up at Studio...I LIKE THE BASS!!


Creepy ginger coach, Patrick

Handing out fliers for a fundraiser, we might have cheated.

Winning State Cup

I miss them.

1 comment:

  1. This made me really sad! I miss you soooo much! COME VISIT HAILEY AND ME ASAP!! I have no friends up here so please come stay with me!!! MISS YOU! sparta, sheet, donut room for LIFE
