Friday, December 2, 2011

Are you dating anyone?

I have gotten this question so many times in the last month.
 It shouldn't bug me that people ask, but it does. I am twenty, so I should obviously be married with a child by now. Every time someone asks it gets super awkward, like I am wasting my precious life away.
Lets get everything straight.

I am not dating anyone.
I am not dating period.
I am not thinking about flowers and dresses for my future wedding.
I am not thinking of baby names for my nonexistent children.
I am not crying myself to sleep waiting for my prince regular man to come.
I am not wondering what is wrong with me. I know perfectly well my faults and I am okay with them.

I am not apposed to dating, but I am also not going to sit on my ass waiting for that special someone to sweep me off my feet, take all of my problems away and make my life perfect (extreme sarcasm). I have things to do and goals to accomplish.

Monday, November 14, 2011

I'm Twenty!!

 I had an amazing birthday. I got to spend the day with some of my favorite people, I got a phone call from dear ol' Steven, who sang me a wonderful rendition of happy birthday, and  I also got to see  Jada who brought me cupcakes...yum!!  My birthday was on 11/11/11 so I got a few extra wishes in, hopefully they'll come true...
Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures, but I promise it was a good day.

Not only did I have a great birthday, but I had a great birthweekend.  I didn't have to work and it was stake conference which meant sleeping in.  I went shopping with my parents, who I now have hooked on Red Bull (pretty sweet, I know) and I got to spend time with my big sister Briana and her amazing family on Saturday night.  We watched a fight that lasted 30 seconds (I had absolutely no clue what was going on) and I got loads of hugs and kisses from little miss Mae.

I don't know what I did to deserve such amazing people in my life.  I am so grateful for each and everyone of them.  I don't know how I would have made it this far without such great people who have cheered me on and picked me up along the way.
Thank you.

Monday, November 7, 2011

2 of My Favorite Things

I'm a super nerd.
Tomorrow this comes out:

I will be playing it all day while drinking this:
It's going to be a good day.


Tasha has friends??   Yes. I. do.

I have THE BEST friends in the world. Although I don't see them everyday like I used to back in my soccer days, they mean so much to me. They have always been there for me and they have never let me down. They make me laugh like no one else can. Christmas is coming up so I will get to see most of them, and I seriously can't wait. (Most of them are kicking ass playing college soccer)

Here's just a few pictures of our many adventures:

Gangsters on the Vegas strip

Wearing our Christmas sweaters to the airport

The donut room!!

We went camping and had a MJ tribute

Partying it up at Studio...I LIKE THE BASS!!


Creepy ginger coach, Patrick

Handing out fliers for a fundraiser, we might have cheated.

Winning State Cup

I miss them.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I need to just get over it, but I can't stop replaying it in my head. What did I do wrong? Was it really my  fault?  I can't change anything that happened, and even if I could, I don't think I would.  

 So why is it constantly on my mind?
 It really hurts me to know that I destroyed something because I was honest when I was placed in an impossible situation.  It makes me sad that the people who were hurt think that I went out of my way to make their life hard. When I was asked a simple question, I gave the honest truth, nothing more.

Monday, October 17, 2011

For my Mama

I would like to take the time to talk about my mother, CHURON. Everyday I watch her I am amazed.  She does so much for everyone around her and takes little time for herself. She is caring and thoughtful and is always willing to listen and give advice. I am so grateful to be blessed with such a wonderful mother and friend whom I can always rely on. She has helped me through so much and has been my biggest cheerleader throughout my life.  She has never given up on me, and she continues to believe in me. She is always there to pick me up when I am down.  I hope one day I can become like the woman she is. I look up to her and I love her.
(Also she has these really sexy new glasses and she looks HOT in them. rawrrr!!)


Monday, October 10, 2011


This semester I took a scuba diving course and as of yesterday I am now officially certified!! Over the weekend I went to Bonneville Sea Base in Grantsville to do my 5 open water dives.  Sea base is a natural salt water spring that they have turned into a small ocean.  There were all sorts of saltwater fish, 2 stingrays, and 5 sharks!  On my last dive I was able to pet one of the sharks, feel its dorsal fin and even hug him!! He was as big as me but he just sat there as I played with him, it was incredible. I was expecting him to feel squishy and blubbery like a dolphin, but he felt like a rock hard snake.  It was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had. 

Just two of the many different types of fish that we fed underwater.

There were two stingrays, one was named Irwin. (poor Steve)

And my favorite part...the two huge nurse sharks.  They were breathtaking.

I now have a bigger itch to see the world, especially underwater. I must convince the parents we need a vacation. 

Sunday, September 4, 2011


We nearly made it two years without a single seizure.  I can't describe the sadness within me, I feel so helpless.  I want to take his pain away and make everything okay, but I can't.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


I enjoy being alone, and these quotes describe this need more eloquently than I ever could.

I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.  We are for the most part more lonely when we go abroad among men than when we stay in our chambers.  ~Henry David Thoreau, "Solitude," Walden, 1854

Language... has created the word "loneliness" to express the pain of being alone.  And it has created the word "solitude" to express the glory of being alone.  ~Paul Johannes Tillich, The Eternal Now

What a commentary on civilization, when being alone is being suspect; when one has to apologize for it, make excuses, hide the fact that one practices it - like a secret vice.  ~Anne Morrow Lindbergh

With some people solitariness is an escape not from others but from themselves.  For they see in the eyes of others only a reflection of themselves.  ~Eric Hoffer

Nowhere can man find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in his own soul.  ~Marcus Aurelius

Loneliness can be conquered only by those who can bear solitude.  ~Paul Tillich

I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.  ~Henry David Thoreau

And my personal favorite...

When we cannot bear to be alone, it means we do not properly value the only companion we will have from birth to death - ourselves.  ~Eda LeShan

Friday, August 19, 2011

My Bestest

Cayden. Where do I begin?

Cayden and I have always gotten along growing up.  He is very calm and not easily irritated while I am loud and love to push people's buttons.  Because of these differences we get along very well.
I love spending time with this kid.  He is an amazing listener, I tell him everything.  I value his advice over anyone else's and when I ask for his opinion he tells me the truth, not what he thinks I want to hear.  He can always make me laugh and cheer me up when I am feeling like shit.  We can quote movies and T.V. shows for days.  During sacrament meeting one week, we quoted the whole Zoolander movie through notes (which I still have).  When we were younger we would perform the Spartan SNL sketch with Ana Gastyier and Will Ferrell for our family and friends. 

Something that scares me: Epilepsy.
Cayden has epilepsy.  I will always remember the morning of his first seizure.  I was violently woken up by my mother who was frantically getting dressed.  She told me to get ready and get in the car because Cayden was at the hospital.  At first I thought it was a joke, I didn't believe her.  I kept asking her to tell me it was a joke, I didn't like what I was hearing.  After running and getting in the car my mom sped to Utah Valley Hospital.  Once in the car I was able to ask what had happened.  She told me that Cayden had a seizure on his way home from scout camp and she didn't know anything else.  I had a vague idea of what a seizure was, but I was filled with unanswered questions, which scared me.  Although my mom was driving ninety, the trip to the hospital felt like days.  The worst possible situations were running through my mind as we sat in silence driving to the hospital.  Upon arriving at the hospital we met up with my dad who told us what he knew.  He said that on the way home from camp, Cayden had a grand mal seizure.  He was sitting in the middle seat talking to the others in the car when he started talking very slow and not making sense.  He then lost consciousness, began convulsing, and foaming at the mouth.  They rushed him to the hospital and that is where we were.  We were able to go see him in his small ER room.  He smelt horrible, like a camp fire and he was disgustingly dirty.  He was somewhat awake, but he didn't remember anything.  After standing by his side for a while and listening to what was going on, the nurse looked at me and told me to sit down, I was about to pass out.  Once I got some food and a chair my face regained it's color. 
The next few days Cayden stayed at the hospital while they performed a bunch of tests.  After the tests, he was sent home.  For the next few months he couldn't take a breath without someone watching him.

It's been over three years since that day, and I can remember it vividly. I have never been so scared in my life.  He has had more seizures since then, but luckily it's been almost two years since his last one.  He is a trooper!! He never got mad the family for calling him every minute to make sure he was okay and he never complained about being tired from the medication he was taking.

My best friend
Cayden is my best friend. He has always been there for me when I need it most. He listens to me rant about friends and my social problems, and never judges me. I am so grateful for Cayden and all he does for me.  This past week I have been reminded of how thoughtful and kind Cayden is.  He can sense when something is wrong, and he knows just how to cheer me up. Thank you Chuck.

Can you spot him??

On that note, I seriously have the best family in the whole world.  I don't know what I did to deserve them. They mean so much to me.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A few crazy things I would like to do before I move six feet under ground...
 Live outside the country
Get a pilot's licence
Learn a different language
Become a member of the mile high club
Be on time
Volunteer with Lucy
Go sky diving

Get a tattoo
Run a marathon
Get scuba certified
Get my degree

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I went to California over the weekend to visit my friend Steven.  Although I was only there for a couple of days, I had a blast; it was the break I needed from real life. 

We sang Katy Perry at the top of our lungs, went to the beach, saw Super 8, ate (a lot), went shopping, watched YouTube videos, and laughed relentlessly. There was never a dull moment. 

I miss this kid.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I am feeling a little frustrated. Well more than a little. Let me start by saying, I realize I have a good job with good pay, good hours and usually descent coworkers.  But today wasn't great, at all.  While sleeping soundly knowing that it was my day off, I woke up to a text from my boss asking me if I knew I worked today.  Slightly angry that I had been scheduled to work on my one day off, and even though I had a million errands to run and things to do, I went in to work.
Once I got to work I was informed my shift tomorrow will be two hours longer and my coworkers shift will be cut by two hours. It still doesn't make sense to me.
Then a coworker, realizing that I was frustrated, told me if someone were to get sent home early, they would let it be me.  Less than an hour later, that same coworker left for home.   The more I think about it, the more angry I get.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Getting excited for this....

But I am more excited to see this...

My long lost friend STEVEN!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Look what came in the mail...

If it isn't funny, at least I'll laugh whenever I look at the cover.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Summa Time!!

Summer is here and I am determined to have a good time.  I hope that by writing my summer goals I will be more likely to get them done.
Here's my list so far:

Half marathon with my big sister.
Streaking and skinny dipping (no set # of times)
Up my reading game.
Katy Perry concert.
Visit a friend in California. 
3 Musketeers hangouts.
Hiking in Southern Utah.
Camping with Mae in the back yard.
Find my inner child.
Watch a long list of movies with Cayden.
Road trip to Arkansas.
Become more spontaneous.
Snow Shack.
Pole dancing classes with Briana

That is all I can think of so far...Did I miss anything??

Saturday, April 30, 2011

St. Geezy

Last weekend I took a trip with the family to celebrate the end of finals and the beginning of summer.  After failing my last final, we were off!! I rode down with the parents, my brother, and Lucy.  We met up with my sister her husband and their two kids in Mesquite. While down south, we went bowling, ate a bunch of food, went swimming, saw Phantom in Vegas, went shopping, ate some more and slept.
Here's a few pictures documenting the adventure:

In the car with my baby gurl.

Bowling with Mae.

Classic Solomon picture.  Also I kicked his ass at bowling.

Once again, I beat him.

Me and Lydia.

Cutest family ever!!

Somehow we got stuck in the 1800's. No color.

Lydia is adorable and soo happy :)
She looks just like the Gerber baby!

Catching up on some needed sleep.

Shopping with the ladies!!
Teaching Mae how to make a wish. 
I had to talk her down from a real unicorn to a stuffed one. 

I had a really good time spending time with my lovely family :)