Friday, May 15, 2015


It's finals week and I'm looking for any excuse not to study. I've already finished all my shopping, cleaning, and laundry to avoid the inevitable. I figure I might as well post on here while I'm procrastinating.

So here's what's new....
I moved to Salt Lake with one of my bestest friends Mel and her dog Evie. The pups have had a rough time adjusting to each other. Evie had to get 8 staples after a fight with Lucy #notgreat 

Nursing school is painful but it's nice to finally have a plan. Thankfully I met some pretty fun people this semester that made things a little more bearable. 

        Mimosas after our last class

I've started playing soccer with some of my old teammates and it has been a blast. I'm pretty rusty but it has been amazing to hangout and goof off with some of my all-time favorites. 

Things that make me happy: 

I've surrounded myself with people who love and support me. 
Broad City. 
My job is slowing down finally. 
I was honest with someone who hurt me. 
I know what I'm doing with my life (well sort of).
Summer is coming.

Everything isn't perfect but for the first time in a long time I am happy